mercoledì 30 aprile 2014


Preso atto ( con un certo sbigottimento ) del seguito del nostro blog anche all' estero ...
abbiamo avuto l' opportunità di conoscere ( "senza muoverci da casa" ) 
bikers e non di diversi parti del mondo ...
Un nostro "seguace" americano "giornalista", ha chiesto di postare un suo articolo nel notro blog ...
... che noi con molto piacere ripotiamo qui di seguito in lingua originale
... ricordandovi che alla vostra sinistra c' è la possibilita di tradurlo !!!
... buona lettura 
... stileOstile

US - 62 Canada to Mexico ...

... one of the most beautiful motorcycle roads

Although it's not nearly as iconic as Route 66, an American mainstay found in culture-rich songs, movies and even television shows, but US-62 connects three countries in North America together. Depending on where you begin your journey, US-62 starts life in Niagara Falls at the Canadian border. If riders choose to cover the entire length of this 2,248-mile highway, they'll finish in El Paso, TX and the Mexican Border.

Covering 10 states in total, riders can cover some serious ground if they decide that the entire US-62 is worth the trip. And it certainly is, in case you were wondering. While a majority of this highway system runs from East to West, as marked by the signage, New York and Pennsylvania are the only two states where US-62 travels North and South a majority of the time. August and September seem to be ideal months to ride the Northernmost section of US-62 in New York, as the Erie County Fair is active, temperatures near Niagara Falls are calm and the scenery is simply magnificent. No matter when you plan on visiting this section of US-62, you'll be sure to find a memorable experience. 

From Pennsylvania, US-62 moves west into Ohio and eventually Kentucky. From there it picks ups in Illinois and Missouri, but not before crossing the Ohio River and linking Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois borders together. Likewise, US-62 then crosses the Mississippi River and takes riders into Missouri. This stretch of US-62 provides riders with a rustic journey over some of the most recognized river systems in the country. Naturally, the bridge rides are quite amazing, and you'll be hard-pressed to find more iconic tours anywhere in the world.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico are the remaining states that the US-62 visits, in that specific order. However, US-62 only enters New Mexico for a brief period of time: 110 miles. It then re-enters Texas right before completing its U.S. journey and continuing into Mexico as MX 45.

Similar to Route 66, US-62 covers quite an expansive stretch of land. Because riders can find themselves leaving Canada at the beginning of the week and entering Mexico by the end, proper attire and riding gear is needed for all conditions and climates. Even in the summer months, the northernmost section of US-62 can feel cool and breezy while Texas can be painfully brutal in terms of temperatures. The Dainese D-Dry Jacket is plenty light, and it's certainly protective during rain and other wet weather conditions.

The vast amount of country and cultural attractions you'll see along the US-62 should be plenty enough reason for you to make this trip at least once in your lifetime. The highway system covers so much ground that it's nearly impossible to leave off your bucket list. While Route 66 is certainly an iconic ride and shouldn't be missed, US-62 is right there in terms of riding and experience. Remember to always plan ahead, because you never can predict when a tornado, hurricane or other natural disaster will rear its ugly head!

Dewayne Jasper loves adventure, riding motorcycles and hanging out with friends. In this story, he describes about one of most beautiful roads for motorcycle ride, US-62 Canada to Mexico. Connect with him to know more about motorcycle related stuff.


... go Johnny go ...

mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

2° Motor Expo Campania


Biker House da ... Marsala !!!

... è stato bello finchè è durato ...

... stileOstile ...
... alla prossima !!!

martedì 22 aprile 2014

Vintage Motociclette

2° Motor Expo Campania

... stileOstile ...

Officina 83

2° Motor Expo Campania

il nostro bar in fiera ...
... molto Ostile !!!

sabato 19 aprile 2014

Sul Podio ...

3° posto categoria Old Style ...

... My Bike

... in  "posa " dal fotografo ...

2° Motor Expo Campania

go Johnny go

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

3 is a Magic number ...

The " Big " Artur

Motor Expo Campania 2014

3° Posto categoria Bagger

adesso la moto " senza nome e cognome " ha un numero !!!
... stileOstile !!!

3° giorno in fiera ...

Sabato 12 - 2° Motor Expo Campania

 ... " Mast Gennar Custommm " !!!

... My Bike ...

 in " posa " per  Bikers Life Megazine

Scheda tecnica : ...

 ... ci vorrebbe un libro !!! 

... i " figli " dei fiori ... 

BadAss Cycles ...
... stileOstile

giovedì 17 aprile 2014

2° Motor Expo Campania

2° giorno - Venerdi 11 Aprile ...

... Dèjà vu

The " Big " Artur ... nel Bike Show

Incognita : variabile di un' equazione il cui valore è determinato dalla soluzione della stessa ...

... stay tuned !!!
stileOstile ...
... BadAss Cycles